Milling Services
We offer several services that can assist you with the construction of your project. Let us help you cut the time frame down and complete jobs faster. For a small fee, customers that buy their lumber at Austin Hardwoods, can have it straight-lined, S2S or S3S while they wait. Below is a list of other services we offer for orders placed with us. *No sheet-good cutting.
Straight-line ripping – gives you one straight edge on your lumber.

Surface planing – have one or two sides cleaned up and taken to your desired thickness.

Sanding – have any S2S, S3S or S4S sanded to 120 grit for you.

Lockmiter – we now offer a lock miter product which can easily be added to any order.

Profile Sanding – both stock & custom mouldings can be profile sanded.

Wire Brushing – available on products purchased from Austin Hardwoods. Ask which items we can accommodate this on.

Knife Grinding – we have a complete, in house knife grinding operation to match an old profile or create a unique one for your project.