Botanical Name
Nothofagus Pumilio
Other Common Names
Fireland Cherry, South American Beech, Chilean Cherry, Chilean Beech
Chile, Argentina, Patagonia and Fireland territory; found in temperate climates, not a rainforest species.
The Tree
May reach heights of 130 ft with trunk diameters usually 2 to 3 ft, occasionally 6 to 8 ft. Boles often clear to 60 feet.
The heartwood varies from light tan to pale pink in color. The sapwood is described as light brown to yellowish in color. Lower grades have cream-colored to grayish streaks. Lenga exhibits a medium degree of color change, first darkening to a medium pinkish-red color and then ambering slightly
The grain is usually straight and the texture varies from fine to medium. Luster is typically low to medium with no distinctive odor.
Working Properties
Reported to be generally easy to work with both hand and machine tools. It planes, turn, bore, mould, and mortise well to yield clean surfaces. The wood glues well and can be sanded easily. Steam bending properties are rated from fair to good. It is fairly hard, resisting wear and denting fairly well.
Furniture components, cabinet work, flooring, millwork, cooperage, an all-purpose timber in Chile.
Limited to specialty wood suppliers.