European Beech

Botanical Name

Fagus Sylvatica

Other Common Names

Beech, English Beech.



The Tree

Beech trees are sometimes called "Queen of the Woods" because of their large size and stately appearance. On deep limey soils, the trees are reported to commonly reach 100 feet. Trunk diameters are often 4 feet, but may be greater.


Beech is typically a pale cream color, sometimes with a pink or brown hue. Veneer tends to be slightly darker colored, as slicing the veneer usually requires the wood to be prepared with steam.  Flatsawn surfaces tend to be very plain, while quartersawn surfaces exhibit a silvery fleck pattern.


Beech has a fine to medium texture, with closed pores and an even grain structure. Beech can also exhibit a moderate amount of natural luster/sheen.

Working Properties

Overall, Beech has a good workability. It machines well, and glues, finishes, and turns well. It does, however, have a large amount of movement in service, as evidenced by its large shrinkage numbers, so movement and wood stability must be taken into account for projects involving Beech.


Cabinetry, Carving, Furniture, Turned objects.


European Beech is widely available across Europe, and it very economically priced within its natural range.