
Botanical Name

Mitragyna ciliata

Other Common Names

Bahia, Baya, Camaroncillo, Elelom, M'voukou, Subaha, Vuku.


West Africa Country Sierra Leone/Ivory Coast to Congo/Angolia

The Tree

The tree is reported to mature to heights of over 100 feet, with trunk diameters of 30 to 60 inches. Boles are often straight, with merchantable lengths of up to 60 feet.


Has a uniform yellow to pinkish-brown color, with sapwood indistinct from heartwood.


Has a fine texture and a straight or slightly interlocked grain. Abura has a low luster.

Working Properties

Takes glue and finishes well. Has a slight blunting effect on cutting edges and tools due to a moderate silica content. It responds rather well to both hand and machine tools, but they should be kept very sharp for best results since the timber is siliceous.


Furniture components, Domestic flooring, Joinery, Decorative plywood, Carvings, Turnings.


Seldom available in the United States, Price should be moderate when compared to other imported lumber.