Botanical Name
Brosimum Rubescens
Other Common Names
Satine, Cardinalwood, Brazilwood, Brazil rosewood, Conduru, Muirapiranga, Satine rouge, Siton paya, Ferolia.
Central America, Latin America.
Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname.
The Tree
Bloodwood usually grows in sandy ground in the upland rain forest. It is a tall tree, growing to heights of 120 ft. or more and has a straight, cylindrical bole that’s mostly clear for 75 ft. or more with an average diameter of 35 in. The smooth barked trunk has no buttresses and sometimes exudes a whitish latex. Its broad based leaves are elliptic in shape and the fruit resembles a fig and has a single large seed.
Rich strawberry red to light pink or yellowish red; sometimes with golden yellow stripes.
High bending and crushing strength. Medium stiffness and resistence to shock, but tends to splinter. Low steam bending characteristics.
Working Properties
Although hard and tough, it works easily with hand and power tools. May need pre-drilling for nailing. Holds screws well. Glues, stains and polishes to a very good finish.
Cabinetmaking, furniture, decorative inlay, marquetry work, fancy box’s, turning, veneers.
Not widely available, so you will need to hunt down specialty stores or online suppliers, boards may be limited in width. Blood wood is considered to be expensive.